Lets Learn the Computer in Easy Way
NAVACHETAN INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER EDUCATION Registered As Name of Navachetan Shikshan & Grmin Abhirudhi Samste Regd.in State Govt Of Karnataka DRBGK/498/2016-17 Also AN ISO Registraion Certificate No: 19ZMZG02180Q Register in Govt of India MSME REG NO: UDAYAM-KR-01-0019802 NAVACHETAN INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER EDUCATION provides high quality computer education at a very high standard with private JOB. NICE’s mission is to create a pool of high-quality software professionals who will meet the demanding needs of multinational organizations for tomorrow’s challenges. Training methods have been maximized with “learning” rather than “teaching” through a well-equipped lab with Interactive Flat Panel (Touch Screen Smart Board) and ONE-TO-ONE ratio (ONE COMPUTER FOR ONE STUDENT). With structured combination of theoretical and practical sessions, reinforced with color computers in every class room for live demonstrations. The Computer Institute is committed to customer satisfaction. In the past 9 years, we have created a very friendly learning environment with the latest computer hardware and software technologies. Being a professional company, the training becomes more effective and useful for the students.
Here we teach the concepts and tools which are used in the IT Industry, which will help students to get jobs more easily. Perfect Computer Education who being a guiding force behind the above achievements has been actively involved in higher end IT training at its own premise. The Company feels proud of contributing successful Software programmers & Web designers in the IT Community NAVACHETAN INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER EDUCATION, is the biggest educational institution which provides a great platform in IT sectors in India sub-continent. It is An ISO-9001:2015 Certified Company having a mission to promote IT education and awareness to provide strong plinth to construct their bright future and career. It is independent to cater to the basic needs in computer education. Our basic to advanced computer training curriculums are designed for those new to the computer as well as for those who wish to improve their existing computer skills and to acquire skills for employment or specialized tasks. We offer computer courses for various age groups (seniors, teenagers, and children) which include comprehensive training from basic to advanced computer skills. Our goal is to teach you what you need to know, using patient, experienced and friendly instructors.
TRAINING FACILITIES: Our team of experienced faculty strives to provide good quality training with effective teaching methodologies. Our faculties are well trained and understands market requirements. Their experience helps student to gain maximum knowledge about the courses. The methodology used by our faculties is very simple and is very easy to learn for the students. Our philosophy is simple; we train students in real time standards, to make them capable of doing a job after the course.
INFRASTRUCTURE: Perfect Computer Education is equipped with latest computers, high speed internet facilities and higher Configuration hardware. Labs are managed such a way that students feel comfortable while learning. We offer Job placements assistance to our students after the completion of the courses. We assist the companies in recruitment our students in their companies. With our job assistance we have placed many students in good companies. We maintain best standards of training to ensure quality in subject.
Benefits of personalized learning 1. Saves time Personalized learning cuts down on the time it takes a learner to engage with and understand a new subject. It also serves to remove content that is no longer relevant or would be redundant due to the experience level of the learner, saving time that would otherwise be wasted on learning concepts that will not serve the learner. 2. Increases engagement When content is both relevant and personalized, learning is more engaging.f work. 3. Improves knowledge retention When content is based on previous experience, the learner will retain that informatio A learner is more likely to interact with, and remember content that targets their current role, projects, or area on for a much longer period of time. When a personalized learning path connects each piece of the puzzle together, with each piece supporting each other to intertwine the information, the learner will be able to better recall information by linking it to existing knowledge.
4. Increased motivation Learning that is connected to something relevant, be it the learner, their job, or their hobbies will increase motivation for the learner. This is especially true if the content contains tips or helpful information that is immediately actionable. 5. Improves learning results Studies have shown that a personalized learning approach yields better learning results. This approach elevates learning and provides content that is relevant, engaging, actionable, and memorable. The end result is a learner who is pleased with their interaction with the material and is better at their job.
To provide affordable quality computer education, while equipping students with knowledge and skills in their chosen stream, inculcate values, identify hidden talents, provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential and thus shape them into future leaders, entrepreneurs and above all good human beings.
Our Computer Institution, “Excellence in Computer Education” and prepare young minds for imbibing knowledge,Coding skills and sensitivity. Provide inclusive education by making it accessible to all sections of society. To maintain and promote quality,
Impart education of the highest standard through value based holistic teaching and learning by integrating traditional and innovative practices. Create a platform for students for exploring their creative potential and nurturing the spirit of entrepreneurship and critical thinking Inculcate a strong belief in hard work and core values of gender equality, human rights and ecology in order to make them socially responsible citizens.
Dean Academics CENTRE HEAD & Senior Software Faculty Skills: Programming, OS ,Microsoft OFFIce2007-2016,Database and Website Design, TALLY9.0ERPPRIME Specialization: Programming,OS,Experience: 10 Years
Devoleper,Trainer &Senior Software Engineer Sonata
Operating System,Nudi 4.0 Microsoft Office 2007-2016,tally.9.0ERPprime PhotoshopCS Multimedia More..Experience: 5 Years